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Cancer Sucks!

Well, my colonoscopy is scheduled for Thursday. Thanks, Mark... :({.}:eek:
I'll be thinking of you while I "prep". Bastard.

Anybody else here need to get theirs scheduled?
My doc said you can add Hershey's syrup to it! Look into it.

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My initial consult for my first go at this right of passage is a week from Friday. Maybe I should start my own thread with frequent updates . . .
Had mine done last summer. Checked out OK. It ain't so bad... it ain't so good either. Be careful with your first meal afterward. I was, of course, starving after the procedure, so the wife and I went to McNamara's where I got their huge cheeseburger. Bout half way thru, I started having some minor stomach pains, but I continued thinking that's probably normal with empty guts. Finished the burger, fries and Guinness, but as I stood up to leave.... well... let's just say I had a minor case of anal seepage. Wasn't too bad, as it still was the clear and fortunately we were only about half mile from home.
If you head out to Kali land look out for Mikey


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I went in for a physical at 47 years young.

Doctor did a prostate n tailpipe check n found blood in my stool.

He recommended a colonoscopy.

It was terrifying. I tallied the # of times I flushed.

Everything came out OK. I am clean but have hemerooids.
Was in the hospital over the weekend again (#5 since August). This really does suck!

Wednesday I felt great and by Saturday am, I told Deb we either get in to see the Doc or I go to the ER. Thankfully my Doc was on call this past weekend, so I was able to see him first thing Sat morning. My internal plumbing had been healing up just fine and for unknown reasons decided to stop working. I got backed up and felt miserable. Lot of abdominal pain, no energy and had no desire to eat.

Doc gave me the option of getting fluids and drugs then go home or get them in the hospital and have constant care. I chose the latter. By Saturday late afternoon, the flood gates had opened and I felt a lot better. By Sunday am I was "jonesing" for an omelette and bacon! The Doc came in before noon and said, eat some solid food and if that causes no problems, you can leave this afternoon. So...back home I am. Feel "normal" again and looking to eat some breakfast.

I guess my system has just been so messed up from the chemo and surgery that my "old" normal is gone and I have to come to terms with the "new" normal. That means some foods are banned (like sticky pasta) and smaller meals are to be the norm. I just don't seem to have the room I used to. I swear it's like they resected my stomach instead of my liver!

So, the fight goes on...
Glad to hear you got the sanitization system straightened out. Keep up the posting. We are all pulling for you, Mark!
Well . . . went last Friday for my 'consult' . . . he probed around my sack and he probed my tail pipe. You know . . . 'you may feel some pressure'. Going in for the scope in a month.