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OK, everyone's input please

Turn Slugfest into Politic, Guns and other Taboo?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 93.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about what Craig said and here's a thought. I, as some of you, keep up to date with the political "stuff" that is going on. This tends to lead to discussion on this forum which is allowed by the supreme beings. I do realize that certain individuals do not chime in for one reason or another but probably more so to keep the site "neutral". Some people love it, some people don't. Here is what I'm thinking and would like your opinions.

Nothing wrong with the occasional jab, funny stuff, wierd stuff, whatever concerning politics. (I've thought of using the Nobama joker face as my avatar but thought it too much, hee hee) What do ya'll think of swapping emails for our daily political stuff? I'm thinking I would set up a "political folder" in my email account with those that keep up with it as I do and our daily "rants/discussions" could continue without interruption and would not fill up this board. Does this make sense? Any side of the fence would be welcome but if you add your email you'll get whatever is being sent. I'm sure a few feel as Craig does and I see his point. However, I can talk about this stuff all day long but find few people to discuss with on either side. I give props to the admins for letting us talk but also realize there are some who tend not to come into the VGOFL due to the politics vs the T & A. Chime in if you like/dislike this idea and if you want to receive a "daily dose of shit" via email. We can PT the emails so the "Bush haters" won't send the list to the WH!!!! (That was a joke Mike)

This would also allow the VGOFL's main focus to once again be skimpy swimsuits, pole dancers, and UD entries.

Johnny M

Active Member
To be honest I like hearing what the people "on the ground" think about what politics in the USA instead of just relying on what CNN decide to tell me. I realise half of the time the discussions are one sided but that they way i look at politics anyway!!!!

I tend not to chime in on the politics stuff as I don't care enough to have an opinion but i still like to read it...

Just my .2 cent


We graciously have been grated this "right" to post just about anything that's on our minds in the VGOFL. I for one will continue that option. Emails would be too underground for me, I have no qualms keeping my uber right wing, gun toting, commie hating views out where everyone can see them.

There are lots of topics I pass over if they don't interest me, why is this any different? Like Duane, I actually like opposing views, but doubt that we'd get much of that here. Seems like the only time I come across "wrong thinkers" (it's a joke people) is when I attend a college party or other work related function with Deb or I talk to my MIL (flaming left wing, falling off the tree commie). I can't seem to have normal conversations with any of those without it turning into a Bush Bash.

So, I like it here, I have enough email to wade through every day and would just as well read the posts here.

My two-fitty.


Active Member
I guess my question is what's stopping folks from posting pictures of girls and so forth?

My thought was if you don't care about political threads then ignore them (it's usually pretty obvious from the title) and start a new thread regarding something you do care about.


"RustyRed" said:
I guess my question is what's stopping folks from posting pictures of girls and so forth?

My thought was if you don't care about political threads then ignore them (it's usually pretty obvious from the title) and start a new thread regarding something you do care about.

....and that's what I've done


Active Member
I have a general, generic, not always stuck to rule about not discussing politics online. I find that online political talk (like cable news, btw) trends toward cheap shots, and drawing as much blood as possible in as few words as possible. This is not why I discuss politics.

I talk politics for 3 reasons:
1) To challenge MY OPINIONS, and see if the things I think can stand up to scrutiny
2) To learn more about the topic than I really could have reading commentary that only comes from one side
3) To help me come to know and understand the person I'm talking to. What makes them tick? Why would someone think something I disagree with? I like finding the answer.

IMHO, these goals are not possible on the internets in a public forum.

See here's the thing I've learned in my life. I'm not a very smart man. There are people much smarter than I, who disagree with me and my opinions. I like finding out why, and seeing what I may be missing. I like hearing their thoughts, and seeing an issue from as many sides as possible. I want all my opinions to be as informed as possible.

I am NOT a right-winger. Nor am I a left-winger. I am fairly centric. And I LOVE talking with people of all stripes. But what I'm looking for in politics discourse is all but impossible online.

So I shy away from the politics posts here because I don't see any benefit to ME in participating. I'll throw in a comment here or there, but I don't really have much interest in getting too involved.

It has nothing to do with keeping this place neutral. I DO wish the discourse were more robust. It seems a little one sided, here, but I just chalk that up to the general righty-trend of the classic car community, combined with the right wing being fairly fired up lately due to the progressive activities of the leading party right now.

So all that said, I will not participate very often...but I generally read every thread, and don't see any reason those threads should go away.

If I wanted a mustang board where there were no controversial posts or opinions, I bet I could find one. I like the more tolerant, "Speak your mind" attitude here, and don't want to see that driven off the board.



Well-Known Member
Settled. It seems we shall keep 'em if we want 'em and others who don't read should keep up the pole pics. Therefore I will determine that anyone tired of too much political stuff is not doing enough to keep the forum "diversified". Everything has been civil and I would like to see more opposition for discussion but that's how it goes. Sooooooooooo, let's keep on the keepin' on. Now where's that Nobama joker picture..................


Well-Known Member
"Midlife" said:
I vote for more T&A. Fuck politics!
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Active Member
Lately, I've grown a bit weary of the politics posts.

Every where I go, politics. I even spoke with a couple board officials about it. I guess I'm just saturated.

After reading this thread it is apparent how appreciative yoos guys (yeah I know) are that you are allowed to engage in these discussions here. That's reason enough for me to say keep it.

I'm a pretty middle of the road guy, left on some stuff, right on some stuff, down the middle on some stuff. If I had to pick a side I'd say I'm "canted" right. I'm pretty fucking tired of the whole lot in Washington. I hope to hell they all get voted out. It's really too bad you have to spend 10 million dollars in campaign money to get a 180K a year job.

My suggestion would be to convert slugfest to a political board and let you guys have at it. Sure, no-one has to read a post but you still have to wade through them. We will call it...Politics, Guns, and other Taboo

Slugfest was a whim and really does nothing in my opinion to further the board. Sometimes it's hard to tell what's serious and what's not. I'm sure it's all in jest, but do we really need to have a board dedicated to piss pounding one another?

I'm posting a poll


Well-Known Member
I think you're on the money there Sluggo. The slug-fest is cool but has died down. I'd hate to see it "leave" so maybe a sticky explaining the "rules" and also stating you may still be beat down. I think it will go over well and don't expect any personal attack issues as we've seen none so far. Politics, Guns, and a can of Whoop Ass is what I'd name it.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I'm in the process of making a site for political banter. Once done, we can just rant there and keep the politics out of this site if you like. Or just do what Sluggo said. Either way, I'm cool with whatever.


Well-Known Member
Jamie, I got a feeling the secret service already knows more about your site than you do. I'm looking forward to it.


Active Member
I like the political posts, although I rarely respond to them for fear of being outed. I live in Texas but I don't have a pickup. I have a .357 magnum but think the NRA is a semi-fascist organization. When I hear white men talk about reverse discrimination, I just shake my head. Every position or side usually has a grain (or more) of truth, so I try to get to that and filter out all the vitriol, bashing, and name calling.


No way you live in Texas without a truck......are you pulling our collective leg??